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Concerts 2024


since 05.09.2023

On September 5, 2023, Deutschlandradio Kultur broadcast from 00:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the program New Music
with the title Die Flötistin und der Komponist (The Flutist and the Composer), a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde.
The program can still be heard in the Deutschlandradio Kultur media library (link above and in the picture)

16.02.2024, 08.00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

„Über das Rätselhafte“ ("About the mysterious")


While working on "Air mit Sphinxes", Nicolaus A. Huber had the opportunity to listen to Robert Schumann's piano work "Carnaval" live in concert and was captivated by the mysteriousness of the Sphinx melodies it contains:
The riddle of the environment, the riddle of length as a melodic tone, the riddle of repetition and also the riddle of the sphinxes' own structure, the limbs.
For him, “sphinx-like” means the high, deep, wide and full in his piece, without being wide, deep, high and full.
The enigma in Gerald Eckert's “An den Rändern des Maßes” is presented differently:
Energy states that arise from shattered sound fields and the aesthetic qualities of their remains. The interior is veiled, the sonic reality overshadows the origin and makes the core itself “virtual”. Interspersed harmonic fields show a tendency to volatilize as soon as they are created. Moments of pause are accompanied by an increase in fragility.
With a large cast, the Ensemble Reflexion tries to get to the bottom of the enigma in both works and first presents the audience with excerpts from “Air mit Sphinxes” and “An den Rändern des Maßes” before playing both compositions in full length in the concert situation presents.

Nicolaus A. Huber
"Air mit Sphinxes" (1987) for large ensemble
Gerald Eckert
"An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005/ 11) for two enseble groups

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
Beatrix Wagner, flute
Enrico Raphaelis, oboe

Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Jakob Meyers - bassoon

Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn

Halleyn Ruiz Polo, tummpet

Matthias Jann, trombone

André Wittmann, percussion
Jonathan Shapiro, percussion
Lara Meyer-Struthoff, harp
Daria-Karmina Iossifova-Molier, piano
Rui C. Antunes - violin
Desheng Chen, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola

Uschik Choi, violoncello

Heiko Maschmann, contrabass

Gerald Eckert, direction

© Ines Herzmann

22.02.2024, 12:05 - 01:00 a.m.

Deutschlandradio Kultur



On 22. February 2024, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 12:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the series Neue Musik 

excerpts from the two concerts of the Duo Reflexion K - Beatrix Wagner, flute and Gerald Eckert, violoncello - at the Klangwerkstatt Festival in Berlin on 18. and 19. November 2023



Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023) (excerpts)

for flute and violoncello











© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

09.03.2024, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
The broadcast Atelier neuer Musik


The Deutschlandfunk broadcast can still be listened for 30 days: 
Atelier neuer Musik

Randzonen, Erstarrungen, Brüche - Gerald Eckerts neuere Ensemblemusiken


"späte Gegend" for orchestra
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics
"ferne Tiefe" for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape
"Nacht, die fallende" for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics











15.03.2024, 08:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde


„Über dunkle Energien und leere Räume“ ("About dark energies and empty rooms")


Dark energies are the starting point for the work cycle “energeia aphanés” by Michael Quell. In astrophysics, this mysterious phenomenon serves as a hypothetical attempt to explain the observed increasing speed of expansion of the universe, which otherwise stands in clear contradiction to the gravitational effects caused by matter. Its existence has not yet been proven, so it itself cannot be observed, but, like dark matter, it essentially determines the space-time structure of the universe.
In the works of the same name, this idea becomes a symbol of a musically aesthetic world whose actual control principles remain consistently hidden, but whose results determine the world of experience. Space, time and the idea of ​​time dissolution play a central role.


Michael Quell
"energeia aphanés II" (2018) for contrabassclarinet and accordion
Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo
Michael Quell
"energeia aphanés III - physis" (2019)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and accordion
Gerald Eckert
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, (percussion) and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Neza Torkar, accordion
Sungkum-Jennie Yang - violin
Uschik Choi - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ direction

© Ensemble Reflexion K

Tues. 30.07.202408:00 p.m.

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde



„Über das Rätselhafte II“ ("About the enigmatic II")

The world is beautiful and cruel, simple and mysterious at the same time. “Über das Rätselhafte II” tries to make this audible: the delicate lines of a single flower as well as the dawn transformed into a rush of sound.  Superposition of waves, in water as well as in sound, their pulsation and their entanglements.
And again and again man, striving for knowledge and enlightenment and yet so destructive in his actions.

Anna Korsun
„Pulsar“ (2014) for organ and voice
Gerald Eckert
„Verschränkung – ins Offene“ (2023/ 24) for contrabassflute and electronics (german premiere)
Makiko Nishikaze
„a solitary flower comes out“ (1997) for altflute and violoncello
Gerald Eckert
“Interferenz I” (2004) version for flute, organ, violoncello and electronics
Pablo Araya
„37“ (2023) for bassflute and violoncello
Gerald Eckert
„Aube“ (2006) for organ

Katja Kanowski, organ
Beatrix Wagner, flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

Concert introduction to the “Nach dem Markt” series on Saturday, July 27th. 2024 at 12:30 p.m in the Schleswig-Holstein Artists’ Residence “Otte 1”

27.09.2024, 08:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde


„Über zeitlose Augenblicke“ (About timeless moments)

Timeless moments - we can experience them in moments of greatest concentration or total relaxation, of incredible happiness or deep sadness, while experiencing great art or nature, with others or in absolute solitude.
The works selected for this program by Lisa Streich, Pablo Araya, Gerald Eckert, Pablo Olabarria, Stefan Streich and Iannis Xenakis oscillate between the greatest density in the smallest space and breathless delicacy and fragility, between liveliness and rigidity, between artistry and naturalness. 


Lisa Streich
"Asche" for clarinet and violoncello

Stefan Streich
"ritorno" for flute and viola

Gerald Eckert
"Nachtwindbewegtes" for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and viola
Pablo Araya
"Entre Palmira y Tikal hay una bóveda de mosaicos […]" for bassflute, violin and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape

Pablo Andoni Olabarría
"Naturlaut" for Violin and electronics

Iannis Xenakis
"Charisma" for clarinet and violoncello

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner, flute

Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Rui C. Antunes - violin
Christiane Veltman, viola

Gerald Eckert, violoncello, electronics

© Ines Herzmann

02.11.2024, 06:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

Night of literature



In the spaces between tracing sounds and words, this event leads from the spatial-poetic side of contemporary music (Luigi Nono, Gerald Eckert) to the linguistic power of the poems by Hilde Domin, Paul Celan and Else Lasker-Schüler.


Gerald Eckert
In Sich Ohne Ausweg (1994)
for 2-(4)-channel-tape

Gerald Eckert
Noema (1992)
for violoncello

Gerald Eckert
Schemen - Feld 30 (2017)
for contrabassclarinet and electronics

Luigi Nono
A Pierre. Dell azzurro silenzio, inquietum (1985)
for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics

Gerald Eckert
Aux mains de l’espace (1993)
for 4-channel-tape

Gerald Eckert
außen, von tief innen (2015)
for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello

Dirk Homrighausen - Rezitation

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner, flute

Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Gerald Eckert, violoncello, electronics



Luigi Nono - © Niederländisches Nationalarchiv




08.11.2024,  08:00 p.m.

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

„Sopra di noi“
The Solistenensemble Reflexion K presents sound universes with a large ensemble: microtonal movements and swirls on the iridescent sound surface in Liisa Hirsch's Autarkes (2020), sounds of great depth and power in Elnaz Seyedi's Questo che a notte balugina (2023) and an exuberant wealth of timbres with constantly changing sound states in Gerald Eckert's Sopra di noi… (niente) (2014). In addition, Trichter, Klee und Amsel (Funnel, Clover and Blackbird), a new work by Stefan Streich takes up Eckert's specific and large orchestration and leads it into completely different sound spaces.

Elnaz Seyedi "Questo che a notte balugina" (2023)

for large ensemble (fl, 2 clar, 2 perc, Hrp, acc, pf, vln, vla, vc, cb)


Liisa Hirsch "Autarkes" (2020)

for large ensemble (2 clar, bsn, perc, pf, vla, 2 vc, cb)


Stefan Streich "Trichter, Klee und Amsel" (2024)   UA

for orchestra (1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: cb-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb;

2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc, 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb)


Gerald Eckert "Sopra di noi... (niente)" (2014)

for orchestra (1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: cb-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb;

2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc, 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb)

Ensemble Reflexion K und Gäste

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet & double bass clarinet
Matthias Badczong, clarinet & double bass clarinet
Ari Schuirmann, bassoon & contrabassoon
Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn
Norbert Fabritius, trumpet
Matthias Jann, trombone
Karsten Süßmilch, trombone
Andre Wittmann, percussion
Arian Robinson, percussion
Lara Meyer-Struthoff, harp
Christine Paté, accordion
Daria-Karmina Iossifova-Molier, piano
Rui C. Antunes, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola
Nikolaus Schlierf, viola
Christine Meißner, violoncello
Anne Gayed, violoncello
Ulrike Brand, violoncello
Clara Franz, violoncello
Katrin Maschmann, violoncello
Heiko Maschmann, double bass


Gerald Eckert, direction


The program will also be performed on November 10th, 2024 at the Klangwerkstatt Berlin - Festival for New Music
Sunday, 10.11. 2024, 08:00 p.m. 
Kunstquartier Bethanien
© Reinhard Frank

23.11.2024 06:00 p.m.

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr. 1

Night of Music

„On the in-between“
Starting with the music of this year's otte 1 composition scholarship holder Hed Bahack, the Ensemble Reflexion K spins a web of connecting lines to works by Mark Barden, Alessio Rosato, Pablo Araya and others.


Hed Bahack "Studies in walking away from…" (2021/ 2024) fp
version for bassclarinet

Alessio Rosato "si páame" (2024)
for contrabassflute and electronics

Gerald Eckert "Verschränkung - ins Offene" (2023/ 24)
for contrabassflute, electronics and tape

Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)
for flute, violoncello and tape

Mark Baden "personæ" (2009)
for bassflute and bassclarinet


Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ electronics




Concerts 2023


20.01.2023, 8:00 p.m

St. Nicolai Church Eckernfoerde

„Gestade in Fernen“

Music for the day of the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27th

In its program “Gestade in Fernen”, the ensemble reflection K deals with human suffering in its most diverse manifestations and forms.
The musicians present works by Brigitta Muntendorf, Gerald Eckert, Johannes Kalitzke and Dieter Schnebel, which were created between 1988 and 2016, in different spatial configurations in the Eckernfoerder St. Nicolai church and the Zionschurch Bielefeld-Bethel. They all deal with the theme of war, death and pain, but also with the human misconduct that triggered this. The underlying text fragments come from such high-ranking authors as Heinrich Böll, Paul Celan, Raoul Schrott and from the Stabat Mater Dolorosa (13th century).
In contrast, the ensemble presents various short antiphons by the abbess Hildegard von Bingen from the years 1150 to 1160, sung by the soprano Irene Kurka, who, with her life-affirming character singing about the "miracle of creation", present themselves as a strong contrast, but also as a connection to the works from the 20th and 21st centuries.

as a guest: Irene Kurka, soprano

Ensemble reflection K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Burkart Zeller, violoncello
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics
Tickets can be pre-ordered at
Burkart Zeller - Gerald Eckert

24.02. - 26.02.2023

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde
9. international Provinzlärm Festival 2023
for details see: 9. Provinzlärm Festival
© Michael Jordan / Provinzlärm

Friday, 24.03.2023, 7:30 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde


A "short ride through the avant-gardes of music history" from Machaut via Monteverdi, Beethoven, Liszt, Dvorak, Satie and Webern to a world premiere by Gerald Eckert.

The title of the program alludes to Robert Schumann's article "Neue Bahnen" in the "Neue Musikzeitung", which praised the young Johannes Brahms as the composer of the future. And so this program not only deals with the music of the present time, but also presents avant-gardists from 700 years of music history, beginning with a motet by the French Guillaume de Machaut, of whom not only the oldest mass setting has survived, but also the fundamental ones established rules of counterpoint and melody that still apply today.
It will also be heard how Carlo Gesualdo, Franz Liszt or Ludwig van Beethoven broke the harmonic habits of their time, how Claudio Monteverdi, Carl Philip Emanuel Bach or John Cage invented new forms of composition, or how Antonin Dvorak, Eric Satie or Anton Webern made traditional forms create something new.




norddeutsche sinfonietta
Ensemble reflection K


More concerts with "n.e.u.e_b.a.h.n.e.n"


Saturday, March 25th 2023, 6:00 p.m
St. Mary's church in Husum


Sunday, March 26th 2023, 5:00 p.m
St. Mary's church in Rendsburg











© nds

Friday, 21.07.2023, 7:00 p.m.
Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1
"Summer concert"


The Argentinian composer Ceferino García received a short-term grant from the Künstlerhaus Eckernförde for July 2023 and will be there during this period. For this reason we present him in this year's summer concert. In addition to Beatrix Wagner and Gerald Eckert, the lutenist Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen, who is a friend of Ceferino García, will make a decisive contribution to the concert and perform a work for lute and electronics by García and a suite in C major by the baroque composer Silvius Leopold Weiss.



Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen           baroque lute
Ceferino García                                 electronics 

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner                                  flute 
Gerald Eckert                                     violoncello 






Gerald Eckert                                     „Nôéma“ for violoncello solo


Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen            „Passacaglia“ (historical oriented improvisation)


Ceferino García                                  „Escucha el viento“ for flute and violoncello


Silvius Leopold Weiss                        „Suite in C" for baroque lute solo


Ceferino García                                  „Passacaglia“ for lute and electronics

                                                                  Produced with the support of the NATIONAL FUND FOR THE ARTS


Gerald Eckert                                          „Nen VII“ for flute, violoncello and electronics

Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen - © Imke Gründler
Ceferino García
Beatrix Wagner / Gerald Eckert - © Holger Ceglars



20.08.2022, 9:05 - 11:00 p.m.,


On August 20th, 2023 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 9. international Provinzlärm Festival 2023

Compositions from Karmella Tsepkolenko, 

Julia Gomelskaya, 

Volodoymyr Runchak, 

Maxim Kolomiiets, a.o.


Ensemble senza sforzando
direction: Oleksandr Perepelytsia

Ensemble Reflexion K
direction: Gerald Eckert


© Ines Herzmann



05.09.2023, 00:05 - 01:00 a.m.,

On September 5, 2023, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 00:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the program New Music
with the title Die Flötistin und der Komponist (The Flutist and the Composer), a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
© Holger Ceglars

23.09.2023, 08:00 p.m.,
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde 
„Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen“
A concert with the composition scholar of the Artist Residence Elnaz Seyedi

Macarena Rosmanich le Roy "Un Grito" (2019)

for flute. clarinet, piano, violin and violincello


Elnaz Seyedi "Postkarte (Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen)" (2016)

for alto flute, clarinet, cello and piano


Sami Klemola "D i v e r g e n c e" (2003-2004)

for clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and violincello


Pabo Araya "Entre Palmira y Tikal hay una bóveda de mosaicos […]" (2020)

for bass flute, violin and cello


Gerald Eckert "gefaltetes Moment" (1997/ 98)

for flute, clarinet, percussion, violin and violincello


Pierre Boulez "Derive" (1984)

for flute, clarinet, vibraphone, piano, violin and violincello

Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Holger Roese, percussion

Martin von der Heydt, Klavier

Rui C. Antunes, violin
Uschik Choi, violoncello

Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ direction




© Roya Noorinezhad

04.11.2023, 06.00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1

Night of dance and theatre



Dance and music with Lisa McGuire (dance), Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (cello)

A concert in a special constellation. A counterpart between dance and instrumental expression. Lisa McGuire, the Austrian dancer who already performed at this year's Provinzlärm Festival in Eckernförde, forms the dance counterpoint to the sound spheres.

Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape


Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   gp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen X" (2011)

for dance, violoncello and electronics/ tape


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   gp

for flute and violoncello




Lisa McGuire, dance 

Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute

Gerald Eckert, violoncello


© Ines Herzmann

25.11.2023, 06.00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1

Night of Music

"Alpha waves"

Music with Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (cello). Music for alert ears to be touched by the muse in a relaxed manner...

Gerald Eckert "Nachtbogen" (2001)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023)

for flute and violoncello



Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, Flöte

Gerald Eckert, Violoncello






© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin
© Olesia Saienko
© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin



Concerts 2022


21.01.2022, 8:00 p.m.

St. Nicolai Church Eckernfoerde
The concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde gets 20 years!

For this reason we have invited guests and are looking forward to the visit of the Ensemble Consord (Muenster).

Gerald Eckert “Restlicht des Dunkels” (2021)   fp
Roman Pfeifer "the human microphone" (2021)
The 2G rule applies to concert visits. A medical nose and mouth covering, preferably an FFP2 mask, must be worn during the concert. The concert can be attended by a maximum of 50 people.
Tickets can be pre-ordered at
© Ensemble Consord

18.02. - 20.02.2022

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde
8. international Provinzlärm Festival 2021 / 2022
for details see: 8. Provinzlärm Festival
© Michael Jordan / Provinzlärm

11.06.2022, 8:00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

20 years concert series contemporary Music Eckernförde

Gregorian chants in tension with contemporary music for flute, violoncello, organ and electronics with works by Christopher Cree Brown, Gerald Eckert, Jaako Mäntyjärvi, Olivier Messiaen and Stefan Streich.
"Ad te levavi animam meam"
"Puer natus est nobis"
"Ubi caritas et amor"
responsorial chant
Jaako Mäntyjärvi "Ave Maria del Fiore" (2006)
for 4-voices girls choir
Olivier Messiaen "Apparition de l'église éternelle" (1932)
for organ
Gerald Eckert "Aube" (2006)
Stefan Streich "5 Strophen Bassflöte" (2001 - 2004)
for bassflute solo
Gerald Eckert "Nôema" (1992/ 93)
for violoncello
Gerald Eckert "Interferenz III" (2013)
für electronics/ tape
Christopher Cree Brown "Sound Cylinders" (1996/ 97)
für flute and tape
Flexible Girl Voices   
Katja Kanowski, direction
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute/ electronics
Katja Kanowski, organ

Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ electronics


Flexible Girl Voices

12.06.2022, 9:05 - 11:00 p.m.,


On June 12th, 2022 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 8. international Provinzlärm festival 2021/ 2022.

Compositions from Arvo Pärt, Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Liisa Hirsch, Gerald Eckert, Tristan Murail, a.o.

17.09.2022, 07.00 p.m.,

Artist Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr. 1


Concert with the composition scholar of the Artist Residence Stefan Streich



Juan Campoverde Q. "Estelas Australes" (2021)
for flute and violoncello
Stefan Streich "new piece" (2022)  fp of the 2. part
for bassflute/ flute and violoncello
James Dillon "Siorram" (1992)
for viola solo
Emiliano Turazzi "Composizione per flauto e violoncello" Teil F (2017)
for flute and violoncello
Stefan Streich "Ritorno" (2006/ 2007)
for bassflute and viola
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Christiane Veltman, viola

Gerald Eckert, violoncello










03.10.2022, 6.00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernförde

Solo - Duo

In "Solo Duo", the musicians of Ensemble Reflexion K present themselves exclusively with solo and duo works distributed throughout the room in the acoustically outstanding Nicolai Church of Eckernfoerde


René Eespere „Convectoris“
for organ
Gerald Eckert „Schwebe, verlöschend“
for flute and percussion
Tomi Räisänen „crossings“ 
for contrabass and electronics
Elliott Carter „esprit rude / esprit douce"
for flute and clarinet
Violetta Dinescu „7 Roses" (Nr. 5)
version for violoncello solo
Iannis Xenakis „Rebonds b“
for percussion
Georg Katzer „Dialogue imaginaire“
for bassclarinet and tape
Gerald Eckert „Nôéma“
for violoncello solo
Kaija Saariaho „Ciel étoilé“
for contrabass and percussion
Erik-Sven Tüür „Spectrum 1“
for organ
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Katja Kanowski, organ

André Wittmann, percussion

Gerald Eckert, violoncello, electronics

Heiko Maschmann, contrabass




© Holger Ceglars/ Ensemble Reflexion K

10.11.2022, 8.00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

esquisses itinéraires

Ramón Souto „Exéresis“ (2011)
for ensemble (fl, ob, pf, vln, vla, vc)
Hans-Joachim Hespos „esquisses itinéraires“ (1984)
for ensemble (fl, clar, hrn, pf, vln, vc )
Hans-Joachim Hespos „Duma“ (1980)
for altoflute solo
Gerald Eckert „ruins of time“ (2012/ 13)
for ensemble (fl, clar, hrn, pf, vln, vla, vc)
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Enrico Raphaelis, oboe
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn
Martin von der Heydt, piano
Rui C. Antunes, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola
Burkart Zeller, violoncello

Gerald Eckert, direction





© Tobias Daniel Reiser

19.11.2022, 8.00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

night of the music


Gerald Eckert „Nen VII“ (2007)
for flute, violoncello and tape
Gerald Eckert „Schemen - Feld 30“ (2017)
for contrabassclarinet, electronics and tape
Gerald Eckert „Aux mains de l'espace“ (1993)
for 4-channel-tape
Gerald Eckert „außen, von tief innen“ (2015)
for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Gerald Eckert „about water III“ (2018)
for 2-(4)-channel-tape
Gerald Eckert „Nachtbogen“ (2001)
for flute and violoncello
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, contrabassclarinet
Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ electronics


Concerts 2021


Gestade in Fernen - poetry in sounds

On 29. April 2021 at 7.30 p.m. there will be a concert by Ensemble Reflexion K at the cultural model project of the Nordkolleg in Rendsburg
29. April 2021 - 07.30 p.m.
Nordkolleg Rendsburg, Am Gerhardshain 44, 24768 Rendsburg

Information and registration at:

The sound installation "Brandung" will sound from 7 p.m.

The Ensemble Reflexion K is Germany's northernmost soloist ensemble for new music. It is based in the Baltic Sea resort of Eckernförde and has played its own concert series there in the St Nicolai Church for almost 20 years. Apart from that, the ensemble musicians are out and about in Germany and around the world during normal seasons. Reflexion K has made radio and CD recordings with almost all German broadcast stations.
For its concert at the Nordkolleg, the ensemble has selected a program with predominantly poetic new sounds and is also presenting its latest CD with works by the Argentine composer Natalia Solomonoff, which was created in collaboration with Deutschlandfunk.


Gerald Eckert - "Gestade in Fernen" (2016)
for 2 violoncellos

Nicolaus A. Huber - "Blanco y Verde" (2018)
for flute and clarinet

Natalia Solomonoff - "karg" (2016)
for flute and violoncello

Gerald Eckert - "instead of II" (2020)  fp
for small ensemble and electronics


Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute(s)
Joachim Striepens, clarinette(s)

Burkart Zeller, violoncello
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics

© Ensemble Reflexion K

Aux mains de l'espace

concert 03. June 2021, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde


Aux mains de l’espace – in the hand of the space
Portrait concert Gerald Eckert


“Aux mains de l’espace” is not just the title of an electronic piece by Gerald Eckert. You often feel in the "hand of the room" when listening to his music, which takes you again and again into new, innovative and inspiring soundscapes.
Research into the extreme areas of sound and silence constantly brings the unexpected to light. Hardly audible is enlarged, alienated, like with a "zoom". The audience can often not really be sure which instrument is being heard, when a transition has taken place or whether an electronic sound is being heard.
Gerald Eckert uses his knowledge with mastery and virtuosity in his compositions and always works with his interpreters to push the technical boundaries outwards. In the musicians of Ensemble Reflexion K, he has found equal partners who understand his sound ideas both intuitively and intellectually and are also able to implement them or develop them further together with him.
Gerald Eckert and the Ensemble Reflexion K have been working together artistically and personally for 20 years, exploring the new and unknown in sound and since then have been shaping the musical present, not just in the north. So it's time for a portrait.

The concert takes place in compliance with the currently valid distance and hygiene rules. Admission from 7.30 p.m. with a completed contact sheet and a negative corona test.

Akemi Kobayashi - "Netori" (1996) 
for clarinet solo
Gerald Eckert - "Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) 
for contrabassclarinet and electronic
Gerald Eckert - "Aux mains de l‘espace" (1993) 
for 4-channel-tape

Luigi Nono - "A Pierre. Dell‘azzurro silenzio, inquietum" (1985) 
for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics

Gerald Eckert - "about water III" (2018)
for 4-(2)-channel-tape

Gerald Eckert - "Klangräume II" (1991/ 2000) 
for piccolo and electronics / tape

Gerald Eckert außen, von tief innen (2015) 
for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello

Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute(s)
Joachim Striepens, clarinette(s)
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics


admission: Euro 12 / reduced Euro 6
box office only

© Beatrix Wagner

Living Room Music

concert 06. August 2021, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde


Cultural summer Eckernfoerde

Living Room Music


The Ensemble Reflexion K will present new music with everyday objects and (not only) entertainment value in its concert on August 6th. as part of the cultural summer Eckernförde.
The program includes mainly scenic works from John Cage's classic "Living Room Music" from 1940 to "Fountain", the living sound sculpture by Steffi Weismann.



John Cage "Living Room Music" for four performers (1940)

John Cage - “Suite for Toy Piano” (1948)

John White - “Drinking and Hooting Machine“ for several performers (1968)

Johannes Kreidler - “Das <DING> an sich. Ein konzertanter Fahrradklingel-Test“ (2017)

Malin Bang - “Hyperoxic“ for bassflute and objects (2011)

Johannes Kreidler - “ Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie“ (2013)
Georgy Dhorokov - “Manifest“ for three performers (2009)

Steffi Weismann - “Fountain“ for several performers (2008)

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner (bassflute, performer)
Joachim Striepens (styropor, performer)
Martin von der Heydt (toy piano, performer)
André Wittmann (objects, performer)
Burkart Zeller (styropor, performer)
Gerald Eckert (styropor, performer, electronics)


admission: Euro 12 / reduced Euro 6
box office only

09.09.2021, 07.30 p.m., Rendsburg, Nordkolleg 



Vertical Time – Statements in contemporary music from 1971 to 2021


"Like a smoke, ground, the soul breathed into the earth".

Like the composition “Charisma” (1971) by Iannis Xenakis, which is based on a verse from Homer's Illias, all of the works selected by Ensemble Reflexion K for its “Vertical Time” program were created from a wide variety of poetological approaches and, with their poetics and musical structure, are able to “create a meaning in the world”.

Hear statements from new music from the past 50 years by Iannis Xenakis, Elliott Carter, Gerald Eckert, Juan Campoverde Q. and Dieter Mack, who has been professor of composition at the Lübeck University of Music since 2003 and who retired in March of this year.



Dieter Mack (*1954, D) „Sprachtanz“ (2010) for clarinet solo 

Juan Campoverde Q. (*1964, EC/USA) „Estelas Australes“ (2021) for flute and violoncello   UA

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001, GR/F) „Charisma“ (1971) for clarinet and violoncello

Gerald Eckert (*1960, D) „außen, von tief innen“ (2015) for bassfl, cb-clarinet and violoncello

Elliott Carter (1908-2012, USA) „esprit rude / esprit douce (1985) for flute and clarinet

Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner (flute)

Joachim Striepen (clarinet)

Gerald Eckert (violoncello)

17.09.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artist Residence Schleswig-Holstein Ottestr. 1
„Wortklangraum 1“


Conversation and music
With the ceramic artist Susanne Kallenbach (Ranzel),
Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (violoncello)


The concert takes place in compliance with the current Corona regulation of the state of Schleswig-Holstein.

Currently, the 3G rule, contact data collection and mask requirement up to the place.


concert 24. September 2021, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde


... In Mikrophonie I, musicians put a large tam-tam in vibration by means of various materials. Two musicians move the microphones by hand over the surface of the tam-tam and a third group of musicians transforms the recorded vibrations with electric filters and regulators. Together with the original sound of the tam-tams, they are simultaneously played back via loudspeakers. The division of the musical processes into three independent sectors (sound making, sound recording, sound transformation) makes it possible to continuously link all the instrumental experiences with the electronic sound technique. That way any source of sounds (traditional instruments, sound events of any nature) can be integrated in a sound composition which seeks coherence. Thus making the dualism between instrumental technique and electronic music disappear.

Furthermore, the title Mikrophonie points out that normally inaudible sounds (of a tam-tam) can be made audible by an active process of “auscultating” (comparable to the auscultating of a body by the doctor). The microphone contrary to its usually passive function as a playback unit becomes an active musical instrument. In Mikrophonie I the sound processing and the tape montage, which up to now took place exclusively during long working hours in the studio for electronic music, is carried out simultaneously with the making of the sounds and the result can be heard at once. It goes without saying that the then automatic, and in a short period of time controllable electronic process of sound transformation, has to be further developed...

(from: Universal Edition;


Karlheinz Stockhausen "Mikrophonie I" (1964) for Tam-Tam, 2 microphones, 2 filter and regulators

Gerald Eckert - “Aube” (2006) for organ

Gerald Eckert - “Gestade in Fernen” (2016) for 2 violoncellos

Gerald Eckert - “Schemen - Feld 30” (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics/ tape

Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner (microphone)

Katja Kanowski (organ)
Joachim Striepens (contrabassclarinet)

André Wittmann (percussion)
Arian Robinson (percussion)
Burkart Zeller (violoncello, microphone)

Andre Bartetzki (electronics)
Gerald Eckert (violoncello, electronics)


admission: Euro 12 / reduced Euro 6
box office only


The concert takes place in compliance with the current Corona regulation of the state of Schleswig-Holstein,

Karlheinz Stockhausen im WDR Studio 1994; © Kathinka Pasveer

26.09.2021, 04.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artist Residence Schleswig-Holstein Ottestr. 1

„Wortklangraum 2“


Conversation and music

With the pastor Dirk Homrighausen (Eckernfoerde),

Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (violoncello)

02.10.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artist Residence Schleswig-Holstein Ottestr. 1

K-Sommer in the Rendsburg-Eckernfoerde district
„Wortklangraum 3“


New music and conversation


The composers Stefan Streich (Berlin) and Gerald Eckert (Eckernförde) are both masters in dealing with timbres. In this discussion concert, the musicians of Ensemble Reflexion K present the "5 stanzas bass flute" by Stefan Streich and "outside, from deep inside" by Gerald Eckert and talk to the two composers about their works.


Ensemble reflection K:

Beatrix Wagner (bass flute), Joachim Striepens (double bass clarinet) and Gerald Eckert (violoncello)


The 3g-rule applies. We ask you to wear mouth and nose protection. This can be removed from the seat.

13.11.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church 

8. int. Provinzlärm Festival


1. concert (pre-concert)
works from Josquin Deprez, Idin Samimi-Mofakham, Manuel Sánchez García,

Gerald Eckert and Arvo Pärt


Auditivvokal Ensemble Dresden

and Duo Reflexion K

Auditivvokal Ensemble Dresden

20.11.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church

Begegnung - Encuentro

The Ensemble Reflexion K plays works by Natalia Solomonoff (ARG), Ivan Ferrer-Orozco (MEX / E) and Gerald Eckert (D). All three composers were scholarship holders at the Schleswig-Holstein Künstlerhaus Eckernförde and have been working closely with the Ensemble Reflexion K ever since. All the pieces of this evening has been written for the musicians of the ensemble.

Ensemble Reflexion K:
Beatrix Wagner (fl), Joachim Striepens (clar), André Wittmann (perc), Arian Robinson (perc), Burkart Zeller (vc), Gerald Eckert (vc)
as guest: Ivan Ferrer-Orozco (electronics)

© Txuca Pereira

Concerts 2020


moments of light

concert 31. January 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

The moon has risen,
The tiny golden stars shine
In the heavens bright and clear...

Who does not know the famous "Abendlied" by Matthias Claudius?
And no matter in what sense you would like to receive it, it lets you sink into other worlds again and again, while in the dark evening sky the moon and the stars shine.
Similarly, the concert series New Music Eckernfoerde starts with "moments of light" in the still dark new year 2020. Tiny lights glisten on the water, outside and inside reflect each other and open up new horizons.

Ludger Kisters
"Fließ" (2019) for flute, clarinet, violoncello and live-electronics

Roland Breitenfeld
"moments of light" (2006) for mezzosoprano, bassflute, bassclarinet and live-electronics

Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, cb-clarinet und violoncello

Peter Gahn
"standing in front of the fiction shelves" (2016) for flute, clarinet, violoncello und electronics

Roland Breitenfeld
"Die Sternenreuse" (Version 2017) for mezzosoprano, speaker, flute, violoncello and live-electronics

Katja Kanowski - mezzosoprano
Ingeborg Losch - speaker
Roland Breitenfeld - live-electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Ensemble Reflexion K

Von der Gewissheit des Augenblicks (The certainty of the moment)

07. August 2020, 7:00 p.m and 8:30 p.m.
artists residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr. 1

4 pocket concerts of 45 minutes each with the Ensemble Reflexion K on 7 and 8 August at 7 p.m. and 8.30 p.m.
artists residence Ottestr. 1
Entry Euro 6

Login - Logout - Lockdown - Look up - Unlock - Shutdown - Shut up.

We make the best of it and present to you on August 7th and 8th a total of four pocket concerts with current music for every mood for 10 listeners each in the exhibition space of the artists residence Otte 1.
Works by Malin Bång, Luciano Berio, Violeta Dinescu, Gerald Eckert, Farzia Fallah, Ceferino García, Kaija Saariaho and Cristian Villafañe.
We will publish the exact programs up to July 18th. on this site.
To attend the concerts, you need to register in advance and provide your contact details.

by phone: 0163-2163284
or email to:

If you want, you can also register for "2 x listening" and then have the opportunity to listen to individual works a second time within a very short time. We are happy to fulfill a wish that has been expressed many times in recent years.

to the program on 7.8.20 at 07:00 p.m. and to the program on 7.8.20 at 08:30 p.m.

As for all other events, the current Corona hygiene and clearance rules also apply to our 4 pocket concerts.

program 07.08.20, 07:00 p.m.:
Luciano Berio
"Lied" (1983) for clarinet solo

Ceferino García
"Escucha el viento" (2019) for flute and violoncello

Violetta Dinescu
"Les cymbales du soleil" (1995) for clarinet and percussion

Malin Bång
"Hyperoxic" (2011) for bassflute and objects

Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Andre Wittmann - percussion/ objects
Gerald Eckert - violoncello / electronics

Programm 07.08.20, 20:30 Uhr:
Luciano Berio
"Lied" (1983) for clarinet solo

Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e-Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo

Malin Bång
"Hyperoxic" (2011) for bassflute and objects

Ceferino García
"Escucha el viento" (2019) for flute and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Andre Wittmann - percussion/ objects
Gerald Eckert - violoncello / electronics

© Txuca Pereira (Ensemble Reflexion K in Madrid)

Von der Gewissheit des Augenblicks (The certainty of the moment)

08. August 2020, 7:00 p.m and 8:30 p.m.
artists residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr. 1

4 pocket concerts of 45 minutes each with the Ensemble Reflexion K on 7 and 8 August at 7 p.m. and 8.30 p.m.
artists residence Ottestr. 1
Entry Euro 6

Login - Logout - Lockdown - Look up - Unlock - Shutdown - Shut up.

We make the best of it and present to you on August 7th and 8th a total of four pocket concerts with current music for every mood for 10 listeners each in the exhibition space of the artists residence Otte 1.
Works by Malin Bång, Luciano Berio, Violeta Dinescu, Gerald Eckert, Farzia Fallah, Ceferino García, Kaija Saariaho and Cristian Villafañe.
We will publish the exact programs up to July 18th. on this site.
To attend the concerts, you need to register in advance and provide your contact details.

by phone: 0163-2163284
or email to:

If you want, you can also register for "2 x listening" and then have the opportunity to listen to individual works a second time within a very short time. We are happy to fulfill a wish that has been expressed many times in recent years.

to the program on 8.8.20 at 07:00 p.m. and to the program on 8.8.20 at 08:30 p.m.

As for all other events, the current Corona hygiene and clearance rules also apply to our 4 pocket concerts.

Programm 08.08.20, 19:00 Uhr:
Luciano Berio
"Lied" (1983) for clarinet solo

Kajia Saariaho
"Petals" (1988) for violoncello (and optional electronics)

Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e-Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo

Malin Bång
"Hyperoxic" (2011) for bassflute and objects

Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Andre Wittmann - percussion/ objects
Gerald Eckert - violoncello / electronics

Programm 08.08.20, 20:30 Uhr:
Gerald Eckert
"Interception" (2016) for violoncello and electronics

Violetta Dinescu
"Les cymbales du soleil" (1995) for clarinet and percussion

Cristian Villafañe
"Lichtstudie" (2017) for flute and violoncello

Malin Bång
"Hyperoxic" (2011) for bassflute and objects

Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Andre Wittmann - percussion/ objects
Gerald Eckert - violoncello / electronics

© Txuca Pereira (Ensemble Reflexion K in Madrid)

außen, von tief innen

concert 25. September 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

With "außen, von tief innen" ("outside, from deep inside"), the Ensemble Reflexion K presents you a program with works by mostly younger international composers, almost all of whom were guests at the Schleswig-Holsteinische Artists Residence in Eckernfoerde as scholarship holders. And although the corona pandemic has not yet played a role in the planning of this concert, the background and themes of the individual compositions could not be more current at the moment.
In the booklet text for Gerald Eckert's new CD "absence", which will also be presented that evening, it says: "His main focus is often not on a central, triggering event, a center of the happening, but on what is happening this event was triggered and how the consequences develop from it ..... So through an increase in complexity (...) condensation occurs precisely in the dilution, the space is reshaped and restructured by the sound. And conversely, structures seem to dissolve by becoming brittle and - above all - instantaneous ...." Just as Gerald Eckert musically deals with the consequences of an event, the whole world is currently concerned with the effects of Covid-19 on it own country and own life. Some relationships become denser and more intense due to the restrictions, while others become more fragile and dissolve.
Less people had heard of "social distancing" at least until March this year. Now the term is on everyone's lips and we stick to it more or less enthusiastically or demonstrate against it. In the series "Landscape with a Rainbow", "distance" is the central concept that Elnaz Seyedi deals with. Here main focus is on the possibilities that open up with a certain distance. While she comes to the conclusion that distance creates clarity, Katharina Roth in "Snake Charmer" deals with misleading ways that can currently be observed en masse in the demonstrations against the corona measures. Their whole composition consists of lines or signals that indicate changes or can cause confusion. They run through the piece, as she herself writes, "like a red thread - like snakes in search of their prey. But they are deceived by false calls."

The concert takes place in compliance with the current Corona rules. There is space for 50 listeners in the St. Nicolai Church. Tickets are available in advance at the EZ-Ticketcenter and at the box office. In both cases, please bring a completed sheet of paper with your contact details and note the currently severely restricted opening times of the EZ-Ticketcenter Monday to Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You need mouth and nose protection for the concert, which can then be removed during the concert.

programme (the programme had to be changed at short notice):
Elnaz Seyedi
"Postkarte" (Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen) (2016) for altflute, clarinet, violoncello and piano

Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello

Raphael Languillat
"Crucifixion" (d'apres Pérugin) (2015) for ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019) for fl, (cb)-clar, vln, vc, perc and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K          
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Arian Robinson - percussion
Vera Schmidt - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Txuca Pereira

duo concert I - Microjornadas Cordoba at Eckernfoerde

special concert 16. October 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

On October 16 and 30, the Duo Reflexion K with Beatrix Wagner and Gerald Eckert invites you to two special concerts with very special programs in the St. Nicolai Church.
The two musicians would normally have been on a concert tour in Argentina during this time and would have presented the winning pieces of the international composition competition initiated especially for the duo at the "Microjornadas Córdoba" festival. Since the 10th edition of the Microjornadas has to be canceled this year, the Argentinian festival organizers, musicians and award winners are very happy that the world premieres of their compositions will take place on October 16th in Eckernfoerde. A German-Argentinian internet video co-production that is being created soon will enable the composers and their works to be presented to an audience all over the world.
The program contains the latest music from Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Taiwan, but also from Germany, which the duo would have liked to present to their Latin American audience at the 10th Microjornadas in Córdoba.
On October 30th, the "Meditation" program of the duo will lead to Reformation Day on October 31st. With the 12-minute "Nachtbogen" by Gerald Eckert and the 45-minute world premiere of "Composizione per flauto e violoncello" by Emiliano Turazzi, it contains two very sensual, fine and contemplative works that invite the audience to concentrate and in to sink the sound current.
The new CD from Ensemble Reflexion K with works by the Italian composer, who also participated in the recording of two pieces, will then also be available.

Both concerts will be held in compliance with the current Corona distance and hygiene rules, each with an audience of 35. Admission is 6 Euros per concert, there are no discounts. Tickets can be purchased at the box office and at the EZ customer center.
Pre-orders are possible at, but have to be picked up at the box office between 7.30 and 7.40 p.m., otherwise they will go back to general ticket sales.

Marcelo Ajubita (Argentinien)
"Lejísimo" (2020) for flute and violoncello

Juan Campoverde (Ecuador)
"Cantos II" (2020) for flute and violoncello

Camilo Rodríguez Capullá (Uruguay)
"Rastros III (memorias)" (2020) for flute and violoncello

Tsu-Yao Yang (Taiwan)
"Ventriloquie" (2019) for flute and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"Nen VII" (2007) for flute, violoncello and electronics

Stefan Streich
"5 Strophen Bassflöte" (2001-04) for bassflute solo

Gerald Eckert
"Interception" (2016) for violoncello and electronics

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Duo Reflexion K (2002)

duo concert II - Meditation

special concert 30. October 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

On October 16 and 30, the Duo Reflexion K with Beatrix Wagner and Gerald Eckert invites you to two special concerts with very special programs in the St. Nicolai Church.
The two musicians would normally have been on a concert tour in Argentina during this time and would have presented the winning pieces of the international composition competition initiated especially for the duo at the "Microjornadas Córdoba" festival. Since the 10th edition of the Microjornadas has to be canceled this year, the Argentinian festival organizers, musicians and award winners are very happy that the world premieres of their compositions will take place on October 16th in Eckernfoerde. A German-Argentinian internet video co-production that is being created soon will enable the composers and their works to be presented to an audience all over the world.
The program contains the latest music from Uruguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Taiwan, but also from Germany, which the duo would have liked to present to their Latin American audience at the 10th Microjornadas in Córdoba.
On October 30th, the "Meditation" program of the duo will lead to Reformation Day on October 31st. With the 12-minute "Nachtbogen" by Gerald Eckert and the 45-minute world premiere of "Composizione per flauto e violoncello" by Emiliano Turazzi, it contains two very sensual, fine and contemplative works that invite the audience to concentrate and in to sink the sound current.
The new CD from Ensemble Reflexion K with works by the Italian composer, who also participated in the recording of two pieces, will then also be available.

Both concerts will be held in compliance with the current Corona distance and hygiene rules, each with an audience of 35. Admission is 6 Euros per concert, there are no discounts. Tickets can be purchased at the box office and at the EZ customer center.
Pre-orders are possible at, but have to be picked up at the box office between 7.30 and 7.40 p.m., otherwise they will go back to general ticket sales.

Emiliano Turazzi
"Composizione per flauto e violoncello" (2017)   fp (of the complete piece) for flute and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"Nachtbogen" (2001) for flute and violoncello

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner  - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Txuca Pereira (2019)

ruins of time

Due to the current situation, the concert on November 13, 2020 will be postponed to a later date, probably November 2022

concert 13. November 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Hans-Joachim Hespos
"esquisses itinéraires" (1984) for ensemble

Natalia Solomonoff
"Tarjo" (2011) for ensemble

Ramón Souto
"Exéresis" (2011) for ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"ruins of time" (2012/ 13) for ensemble

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Anja Schmiel - oboe
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Delphine Gauthier-Guiche - horn
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lisa Werhahn - violin
Christiane Veltman - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - direction

Hans-Joachim Hespos _ © Rainer Köhl


Due to the current situation, the concert on 21. November 2020 will be postponed to 29. January 2021

concert 21. November 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Gerald Eckert
"Gestade in Fernen" (2016) for 2 violoncellos

Karlheinz Stockhausen
"Mikrophonie I" (1964) for Tam-Tam, 2 microphones, 2 filter and regulators (6 player)

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - microphone
Julian Grebe - percussion
Arian Robinson - percussion
Burkart Zeller - violoncello / microphone
Gerald Eckert - violoncello / electronics
Andre Bartetzki - electronics

Karlheinz Stockhausen im WDR Studio 1994; © Kathinka Pasveer

Aux mains de l'espace

Due to the current situation the concert on 04. December 2020 is expected to be postponed to 15. January 2021
concert 04. December 2020, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Gerald Eckert
"instead of  II" (2020) UA for small ensemble and electronics

Luigi Nono
"A Pierre. Dell'azzurro silenzio, inquietum" (1985) for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics


Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - -violoncello / electronics

© Beatrix Wagner

concerts 2019



concert 26. January 2019, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

percussion ensemble of the Musikhochschule Luebeck

Iannis Xenakis
Metaux from "Pléïades" (1978) for 6 percussions

Steve Reich
"Music for pieces of wood" (1973) for percussionensemble

Johannes Fischer
"Air" (2012) for small drum and accessoires  (Johannes Fischer)

Nicolaus A. Huber
"Herbstfestival" (1989) for 4 percussions

Iannis Xenakis
Peaux from "Pléïades" (1978) for 6 percussions

percussion ensemble of the Musikhochschule Luebeck          
Johannes Fischer - percussion / direction
Irini Aravidou - percussion
Florian Stapelfeldt - percussion
Yun-Fang Shen - percussion
Arian Robinson - percussion
Julian Grebe - percussion

Schlagzeugsextett der MH Lübeck

7. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

ProvinzLärm festival 15.02-17.02.2019
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

programme ProvinzLärm 2019

see also:

© Ensemble Lipparella (S)

empty rooms

concert 23. August 2019, 8:00 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

cooperation concert of ensemble "Megaphon" and Ensemble Reflexion K

a concert also in memory of Sven Wlassack

Gerald Eckert
"instead of (empty rooms II)"  (2019)  (fp) for fl, (cb)-clar, vln, vc, perc and electronics

Luigi Nono
"A Pierre. Dell'azzurro silenzio, inquietum"  (1985) for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics

Snezana Nesic
"Mirabilia (Litany for Water)"  (2017) for violin and video

Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30"  (2017) for contrabassclarinet and tape

Helena Tulve
"stream"  (2006) for flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"  (2014) for contrabassclarinet, violin, live-electronics and tape

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ sound direction
Andre Bartetzki - live-electronics/ sound direction

Neopercusion - Reflexion

concert 27. September 2019, 8:00 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

The concerts on 24.09.2019 in Madrid and on 27.09.2019 in Eckernförde provide an exciting cooperation project between the Madrid-based "Neopercusion" Ensemble and the Ensemble Reflexion K from Eckernförde. The musicians of both ensembles will rehearse together, form a body of sound and rehearse new works.
The audience will be taken on a short trip around the world with world premieres by Nacho Baca-Lobera (Mexiko), Gerald Eckert (D), Ivan Ferrer Orozco (Mexiko/ Spain), Katharina Roth (D / Austria) and Natalia Solomonoff (Argentina).

Katharina Roth
"madschra"  (2019)   (fp) für bassfl, pf, 2 perc and electronics

Gerald Eckert
"Interception"  (2016) für violoncello and electronics

Ignacio Baca Lobera
"loop"  (2019)   (fp) für clar, pf, 2 perc, vc, live-electronics and samples

Natalia Solomonoff
"Drostes"  (2019)   (fp) für fl, clar, pf, 2 perc, vc and electronics

Ivan Ferrer Orozco
"Fourth Garden: Exodus -for piano-"  (2018)  (DE) für electronics

Gerald Eckert
"Kisalpah"  (2019)   (fp) für fl, clar, pf, 2 perc, 2 vc and electronics

Ensemble Neopercusión
Juan Jose Guillem Piqueras - percussion
Alejandro Tur De Carlos - percussion
Ivan Ferrer Orozco - electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ direction
This concert is generously supported by the Spanish Cultural Foundation Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).


Ensemble Reflexion K

after dark

concert 09. November 2019, 8:00 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Stories between midnight and dawn.
Secrets that want to be revealed before the day dawns. In the "long night of music", the Ensemble Reflexion K presents "after dark" in large chamber ensemble with very personal and poetic works by Natalia Solomonoff (Argentina), Ramón Souto (Spain), Emiliano Turrazzi (Italy), Jorge García del Valle Mendez (Spain / Germany) and Gerald Eckert (Germany) about life and about time. Some of the composers will also be present.

Emiliano Turazzi
"Quelli che vivono"  (2013) for ensemble and tape

Natalia Solomoff
"Tarjo"  (2011) for ensemble

Jorge Garcia del Valle Mendez
"after dark"  (2008) for ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"gefaltetes Moment"  (1997/ 98) for ensemble

Ramón Souto
"Exéresis"  (2011) for ensemble

Ensemble Reflexion K          
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Anja Schmniel - oboe
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Jakob Meyers - bassoon
Julian Grebe - percussion
Arian Robinson - percussion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Vera Schmidt - violin
Christane Veltman - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - direction

concerts 2018


"Neun weiße Bilder" - recital concert - Gordon Kampe

concert 14. January 2018, 5 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Gordon Kampe
"Gassenhauermaschinensuite" (2009) for ensemble and electronis
"Neun weiße Bilder"" (2006) for ensemble

Malte Giesen
"8th litany for Heliogabalus" (2011) for percussion

Louis Andriessen
"Workers Union" (1975) for variable instruments

RADAR Ensemble (Luebeck)
Martin Posegga - saxophone
Johannes Öllinger - E-guitar
Felix Kroll - accordion
Ninon Gloger  - piano/ keyboard
Jonathan Shapiro - Drums/ percussion
as guest:
Matthias Bauer - contrabass

Gordon Kampe _ © Manuel Miethe

mobile elements

concert 02. March 2018, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai chuch Eckernfoerde

Elnaz Seyedi
"Fragmente einer Erinnerung" (2015) for ensemble

Pablo Araya
"Anábasis - Ayahuasca" (2009/ 10) for ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"Interception" (2016) for Violoncello and electronics (tape)

Steffen Krebber
"Aufstieg und Fall außerweltlicher Flug- und Kriechtierattrappen" (2008) for ensemble and electronics (tape)

Joanna Wozny
"mobile elements" (2011) for ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"offen - fin des terres" (2002) for ensemble and electronics (tapes)

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flutes
Joachim Striepens - clarinets
Matthias Jann - trombone/ basstrumpet
Andre Wittmann - percussion
Vera Seedorf - percussion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Christiane Veltman - violin
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - contrabass
Gerald Eckert - direction

as guest:
Andre Bartetzki - electronics, sound direction

Ensemble Reflexion K

Wege - mit tänzerischer Spur

concert 20. April 2018, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Hans Joachim Hespos
"Duma" (1980) for altflute

Luigi Nono
"Hay que caminar" Soñando per due violini (1989)

Gordon Kampe
"heavy metal" (2008) for flute

Gerald Eckert
"fuori" (2016) for flute and violoncello

Hans Joachim Hespos
"aeri" (2012) for 2 violins

Duo Reflexion K          
Beatrix Wagner - flutes
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

guests: Duo Gelland
Cecilia Gelland - violin
Martin Gelland - violin

Duo Gelland

stream - im Fluss - "move around concert"

concert 17. August 2018, 7:30 p.m
Artist's Residence, art gallery NEMO and Langlo house

Salvatore Sciarrino
"Ommaggio a Burri"  (1995) for altoflute, bassclarinet and violin

Gerald Eckert
"Brandung"  (2010) for tape (and video)
"Schemen - Feld 30"  (2017) for contrabassclarinet and tape

Pablo Araya
"PHOWA"  (2018)   (fp) for bassflute solo

Adriana Hölszky
"like a bird. Hommage à György Kurtág"  (2006) for violin solo

Helena Tulve
"stream"  (2006) for flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ sound direction

Pléïades - percussion ensemble of the Musikhochschule Luebeck

concert 16. November 2018 will be postboned!!!

The St. Nicolai church is still closed in November 2018

New concert date:
concert 26. January 2019, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Iannis Xenakis
"Pléïades" (1978) for 6 percussions

percussion ensemble of the MH Luebeck

night of the Art at Eckernfoerde - monolith - sound sculptures

concert 17. November 2018, 8 p.m
because the St. Nicolai church will be closed in November, the concert at 17.11.18 will take place at:
church at Borby

- special concert -

monolith - sound sculptures
In the concert within the "night of the art" collides oposites of the dense, block "monolithic" structured pieces to fine engraved pieces like "air roots".
works for instruments and video with the Ensemble Reflexion K.

Sebastian Stier
"Monolith" (1995) for clarinet, trombone, viola and contrabass

Matthias Jann
"waves" (2018)  fp for bassclarinet and basstrombone with live-electronics and live-projection

Carola Bauckholt
"Luftwurzeln" (1993) for flute, clarinet, viola and violoncello

Jacob Druckman
"Valentine" (1969) for contrabass

Gerald Eckert
"Nachtwindbewegtes" (2014) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and viola

Lucas Luján
"El espinazo de la noche" (2016)  fp for flute, trombone, violin, violoncello and electronics

concerts 2017


6. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

ProvinzLärm festival 24.02-26.02.2017
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde


programme ProvinzLärm 2017

siehe auch:

© Ensemble TaG - Winterthur (CH)

Musica du due dimensioni

concert 24. March 2017, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Luigi Nono
"A Pierre. Dell'azzurro silenzio, inquietum" (1985) for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics

Gerald Eckert
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" (2014) for contrabassclarinet, violin, live-electronics and tape

Bruno Maderna
"Musica du due dimensioni" (1957/ 58) for flute and tape

Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello

Kaija Saariaho
"Petals" (1988) for violoncello and live-electronics

Giacinto Scelsi
"Ko - Lho" (1966) for flute and clarinet

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flutes
Joachim Striepens - clarinets
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello, sound direction
as guest:
Andre Bartetzki - live-electronics, sound direction

Trio Reflexion K


concert 12. May 2017, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Iannis Xenakis
"Psappha" (1975) for percussion

Emiliano Turazzi
"Composizione per flauto e violoncello" (2017)  fp

Natalia Solomonoff
"karg" (2016) for flute and violoncello  german fp

Gerald Eckert
"Brandung" (2010) for tape
"fuori" (2016) for flute and violoncello

Bernfried Pröve
"Tellur II" (2007) for bassflute and tape

Ensemble Reflexion K          
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Andre Wittmann - percussion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ electronics

Natalia Solomonoff

oceans and earth

concert 14. July 2017, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

George Crumb
"Vox Balaenae" for flute, violoncello and piano

Gerald Eckert
"Nachtbogen" for flute and violoncello

Vinko Globokar
"Dialog über Erde" for percussion

Jonathan Shapiro
"Goldener Regen" for 4 performer, filled bottles and amplified metal cans

Pierre Boulez
"Sonatine" for flute and piano

Morton Feldman
"Durations 2" for violoncello and piano

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion
Ninon Gloger - piano
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

George Crumb - "Vox balaenae"

11 echoes of autumn

concert 16. September 2017, 7 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Pierre Boulez
"Derive"  (1984) for ensemble

Gerard Grisey
"Talea"  (1986) for ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"gefaltetes Moment"  (1997/ 98) for ensemble

George Crumb
"11 echoes of autumn"  (1966) for ensemble

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
André Wittmann - percussion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Vera Schmidt - violin
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - direction

Pierre Boulez
George Crumb

light sound concert

concert 10. November 2017, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

A concert for light and sound with the ensembles L'art pour l'art, Reflexion K and the light-artist Gisela Meyer-Hahn

Gerald Eckert
"Absence - traces éloignées" (2007) for 4 piccoli and 2 percussion

John Cage
"Ryoanji" (1984) for variable instrumentation

Isang Yun
"Quartett" (1986) for 4 flutes

Morton Feldman
"Extensions 3" (1952) for piano

Morton Feldman
"Intermission 5" (1952) for piano

Ensemble L'art pour l'art     
Astrid Schmeling - flute
Matthias Kaul - percussion

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Ninon Gloger - piano
Gerald Eckert - direction
Martina Roth - flute
Rebecca Lenton - flute

Lichtkubus rot-blau - © Gisela Meyer-Hahn

night of the music at Eckernfoerde

about water

concert 25. November 2017, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

- special concert -

within the "night of the music" a concert with compositions of very different poetics for instruments, electronics and video

Snezana Nesic
"Mirabilia (Litany for Water)" (2017)   fp for violin and electronics

Clemens von Reusner
"Aechome" (2017)   fp for flute, violoncello and tape

Andre Bartetzki
"new piece" (2017)   fp for flute(s), video and clectronics

Gerald Eckert
"Brandung" (2010/ 16) for elecronics (tape) and video
"about water II" (2017)   gfp for electronics (tape)
"Nen VII" (2007) for flute, violoncello and tape
"L'étendue des fins éclats, éparse" (1997) for violin solo

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flutes
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

Andre Bartetzki - electronics
Clemens von Reusner - electronics

Beatrix Wagner

Konzerte 2016


15 years concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde

works - effect - relevance I / CD - Release concert

concert 19. Februar 2016, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

CD-release of the three portrait-CDs of Nicolaus A. Huber, Peter Gahn and Gerald Eckert, which the Ensemble Reflexion K has recorded together with the Deutschlandfunk Cologne in several recording sessions at St. Nicolai church / Eckernfoerde and the studio of the Deutschlandfunk (DLF) / Cologne between November 2014 and October 2015.

For details and contents of each of the CDs see under CDs at the ensemble site...

Robert H. P. Platz
"dense/ Echo I"  (1996) for ensemble

Peter Gahn
"Diagonalen in kubischen Räumen I - III" (2014) for ensemble

Nicolaus A. Huber
"leggiero mit Weissglut" (2005) for flute, piano and percussion

Gerald Eckert
"An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005 - 11) for two ensemble groups

Ensemble Reflexion K          
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Jorge García del Valle Méndez - bassoon
Matthias Jann - trombone
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Christiane Veltman - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - contrabass
Gerald Eckert - direction
Markus Schwind - trumpet
André Wittmann - percussion

Ensemble Reflexion K - © Marco Ehrhardt

works - effect - relevance II / I will arise and go now

concert 15. July 2016. 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

contemporary music at the arc of suspence with poems by William Butler Yeats ...

compositions, i.a.:
Walter Zimmermann
"Das Gras der Kindheit" (2006) for dulcimer and vocals (one musician)

Gerald Eckert
"Gestade in Fernen" (2016)  (fp) for 2 violoncellos

Andrea Paluch - rezitation

Beatrix Wagner - hammered dulcimer
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

William Butler Yeats - © wikipedia
© 2016 by Bewo Hawel Burkart Zeller and Gerald Eckert performing "Gestade in Fernen"

works - effect - relevance III / Recital

concert 19. August 2016, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Martin von der Heydt (piano)

night of the piano...

Alexander Skrjabin - 8. sonata op.66  (1912/13)
Arnold Schönberg - 3 piano pieces op.11  (1911)
Anton Webern - 3 small pieces for Vc and Pf  op.11  (1914)
Yoshiro Irino - 3 piano pieces  (1958)
Juan Carlos Paz - Tres movimientos de jazz  (1932)
                              De profundis - Spleen - Paseo por el bosque
Claude Vivier - Pianoforte  (1975)
Olivier Messiaen - Le merle noir for Fl and Pf  (1951)
Claude Vivier - Shiraz  (1977)
Philippe Manoury - La ville (...première sonata...)  (2001/ 02)
Salvatore Sciarrino - I. Sonata  (1976)

Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

Martin von der Heydt - © Georg Schreiber

works - effect - relevance IV / Neue Heimat

concert 01. Oktober 2016, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

concert project - RADAR Ensemble (Luebeck) and Ensemble Reflexion K (Eckernfoerde)

A concerted project of both the ensembles RADAR (Luebeck) and reflexion K (Eckernfoerde)

Georg Friedrich Haas
"tria ex uno"  (2001) for fl, clar, perc, pf, vln and vc

Lars P. Opfermann
"Kammermusik 1"  (2016) for ensemble

Emiliano Turazzi
"quelli che vivono"  (2013) for ensemble and tape

Gerard Grisey
"Stèle"  (1995) for 2 perc

Gerald Eckert
"An den Rändern des Maßes"  (2005 - 11) for two ensemble groups

Ensemble Reflexion K and RADAR ensemble    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Jakob Meyers - bassoon
Matthias Jann - trombone
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion
André Wittmann - percussion
Felix Kroll - accordion
Ninon Gloger - piano
Vera Schmidt - violin
Christiane Veltman - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - contrabass
Gerald Eckert - direction

Markus Schwind - trumpet

works - effect - relevance V / Goya's hands

concert 19. November 2016, 7 / 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

At 7 pm starts the concertinstallation "Brandung" for video uand tape from Gerald Eckert and at 8 pm starts the concert with compositions from Cheng-Wen Chen (2015 scholar of the artists residence of Schleswig-Holstein at Eckernfoerde), Tobias Klich, Farzia Fallah, u.a.

Cheng-Wen Chen

concerts 2015


5. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

ProvinzLärm festival 20.02-22.02.2015
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

programme ProvinzLärm 2015

see also:

© Auditivvokal Dresden

deviant perception of the world I

concert 24. April 2015, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Nicolaus A. Huber
"leggiero mit Weissglut" (2005) for flute, piano and percussion

Nicolaus A. Huber
"O dieses Lichts!" (2003) for flute, violoncello and piano

Peter Gahn
"atonoba I + II" (2002) for flute, violoncello, piano and percussion

Luc Döbereiner
"Inconexiones" (2013) for percussion, violoncello and electronics

Gerald Eckert
"Aisthanomenon" (1989/ 90) for violoncello and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ electronics
as guests:
Luc Döbereiner - electronics
André Wittmann - percussion

Nicolaus A. Huber

deviant perception of the world II

concert July/ August 2015, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

contemporary and early music for flute, organ and violoncello...

Marina Khorkova
"a_priori" (2013) for flute and violoncello

Johann Sebastian Bach
"Praeludium and Fuge on h-moll" BMW 544 for organ

Makiko Nishikaze
"a solitary flower comes out" (1994) for flute and violoncello

Maria Boulgakova
"Trio in D" (2015) for flute, violoncello and organ  (UA)

Manfred Stahnke
"Last Supper" (2013) for organ / 2 players

Johann Sebastian Bach
"Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott" BMW 652 for organ

Gerald Eckert
"Nen VII" (2007) for flute, violoncello and tape

Beatrix Wagner - flute
Katja Kanowski - organ
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

Katja Kanowski - © Holger Ceglars

deviant perception of the world III

concert 18. September 2015, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Luigi Nono
"A Pierre. Dell'azzurro silenzio, inquietum" (1985) for contrabassflute in G, contrabassclarinet in B and Live-Electronics

Peter Gahn
"reading unicorn skulls - the town (engraved dreams)" (1999) for clarinet, violin, percussion, 4 hyoshigi and koto

Peter Gahn
"ink, colours and gold on paper II + III - surroundings 2" (2005-07) for flute, accordion, percussion and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" (2014) for contrabassclarinet, violin, Live-electronics and tape

Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello

+ traditional music for koto

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner  - flute(s)
Joachim Striepens - clarinet(s)
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello, sound direction

as guests:
Naoko Kikuchi - koto
Felix Kroll - accordion
Andre Bartetzki -Live-electronics, sound direction

Peter Gahn

deviant perception of the world IV

concert 14. November 2015, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The focus of this concert is on pieces for dance, instruments
and/ or electronics...
Andre Bartetzki
"Die kreisförmigen Ruinen" (2013) for dance, video and electronics

Gerald Eckert
"Nen X" (2011) for dance, violoncello and tape

Clemens von Reusner
"Topos Concrete" (2014) for 4-(8) channel-tape

George Brunner
"the call" (2013) for 2-(4) channel-tape

Helmut Zapf
"Albedo" (2000) for flute and electroacoustic sounds

Iris Sputh - dance
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello
Andre Bartetzki - electronics

Andre Bartetzki - "Die kreisförmigen Ruinen"

concerts 2014


Homage to the obsession I

concert 14. February 2014, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Vinko Globokar
"?Corporel" for one percussion player playing on his body (1984)
"Monolith" for one flutist (1976; flute, piccolo, bassflute and voice)

Gerald Eckert
"Schwebe, verlöschend" (2000/01) for flute and percussion
"nor" (2008) for percussion solo

Maria Boulgakova
"Aus der Stille" (2003) for flute and percussion

improvisations (violoncello)

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

Vinko Globokar

Homage to the obsession II

concert 06. April 2014, 6 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Michael Veltman
"new piece" for flute, clarinet and viola
"dhA" (2013) for viola solo

Salvatore Sciarrino
"Omaggio a Burri" (1995) for altoflute, bassclarinet and violin

Giacinto Scelsi
"Ko Lho" (1966) for flute and clarinet

Jakub Sarwas
"Three-O" (2005) for flute (alto-/ bassflute),
clarinet (bass-/ contrabassclarinet) and violin (viola)

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flutes
Joachim Striepens - clarinets
Christiane Veltman - viola and violin

J. Striepens, C. Veltman, B. Wagner

Homage to the obsession III

concert 18. July 2014, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The focus of the third concert of the "Homage to the obsession" is on the music of Luigi Nono (*1924 - 1990), one of the most impostant composers of the 20th century. He would have celebrated this year his 90th birthday.

Luigi Nono
"La fabricca illuminata" (1964) for voice and tape

Luigi Nono
"A Pierre. Dell'azzurro silenzio, inquietum" (1985) for contrabassflute in G, contrabassclarinet in B and Live-Electronics

Helmut Lachenmann
"Pression" (1969) for violoncello solo

Stefan Streich
"5 Strophen Bassflöte" (2001-04) for bassflute solo with voice

Gerald Eckert
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" (2014)  (fp) for contrabassclarinet in B, violin, Live-electronics and tape

Gerald Eckert
"Nachtbogen" (2001) for flute and violoncello

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flutes
Joachim Striepens - contrabassclarinet
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello, sound direction

as guests:
Julia Mihaly - voice
Andre Bartetzki - Live-electronics, sound direction

Luigi Nono - © Niederländisches Nationalarchiv

Homage to the obsession IV

concert 26. August 2014   8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Guillaume de Machaut
"Messe de Nostre Dame" (ca. 1360) for 4-voice vocal ensemble

Gerald Eckert
"Gegendämmerung" (2008) for voice and flute
"Nen IV" (2004/ 11) for tape
"Nen VII" (2007) for flute, violoncello and tape
"Annäherung an Petrarca" (2006) for 4 voices, flute and violoncello
"Interferenz I" (2004) for flute, violoncello, e-chin (or organ), electronics and tape

ensemble voces Berlin          
Katja Kanowski - Soprano/ organ
Anja Schumacher - Contralto
Nicolas H. Smith - Tenor
Sebastian Schwarze - Bass

duo reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

ensemble voces Berlin - duo reflexion K

Homage to the obsession V

concert 22. November 2014, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Nicolaus A. Huber
"Zum Beispiel: wogende Äste" (2011) for ensemble

Peter Gahn
"mit geliehener Aussicht + Umgebung 1+2" (1997/98 - 2000) for ensemble
"Meinten Sie: RED II" (2007/ 08) for six instruments

Gerald Eckert
"An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005 - 11) for two ensemblegroups

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Jorge García del Valle Méndez - bassoon
Damir Bacikin - trumpet
Matthias Jann - trombone
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Christiane Veltman - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - contrabass
Gerald Eckert - direction
as guests:     
Jan Termath - tuba
André Wittmann - percussion

Nicolaus A. Huber
© Marco Ehrhardt / Ensemble Reflexion K

concerts 2013


4. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

ProvinzLärm festival 28.02-02.03.2013
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

programme ProvinzLärm 2013

Ensemble Kwartludium (Poland)

afterhearing I / "Fäden"

concert 24. May 2013, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

In the first "Nachhören" - concert after the "Provinzlärm" - festival 2013 are three first performances of compositions by composers from Belarus within the specific instrumentaion of the quartet reflexion K, flute, harp, accordion and violoncello included. Besides the first perfomances there will be presented pieces, which already has been performed in Eckernfoerde. All the new pieces were composed for the Ensemble Reflexion K.

compositions from Galina Gorelova, Nina Siniakova, Valery Voronov, Osvaldo Budon, Jorge Horst and Gerald Eckert

quartet reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Curth - harp
Eva Zöllner - accordion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Ensemble Reflexion K

afterhearing II / "no sun, no moon"

concert 26. July 2013, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
(Arundhati Roy)

A concert about life.

compositions from Olivier Messiaen, Jorge García del Valle Méndez, Arvo Pärt, Sofia Gubaidulina, Gerald Eckert and Marina Khorkova

Beatrix Wagner - flute
Katja Kanowski - organ
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

Karja Kanowski - Beatrix Wagner

afterhearing III / aus der Stille

concert 31. August 2013, 8 - 12 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

"For Philip Guston" by Morton Feldman

Radar Ensemble (Luebeck)
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Ninon Gloger - piano
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion

© Radar Ensemble

afterhearing IV / "Erinnerung für das Vergessen"

concert 08. November 2013, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Pavel Haas, Erwin Schulhoff, Salvatore Sciarrino, Samir Odeh-Tamimi, Gerald Eckert and Walter Zimmermann

Ensemble Reflexion K       
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Birgit Schmieder - oboe
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - direction

Pavel Haas

concerts 2012


spaces I / "empty rooms"

concert 27. January 2012, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Mark Andre, Gerald Eckert
and Natalia Solomonoff

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Christiane Veltman - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - direction
as guests:
Frauke Aulbert - soprano
Natalia Solomonoff - electronics

© 2011 Marco Ehrhardt / Ensemble Reflexion K

spaces II / "ausschreiten"

concert 30. March 2012, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Larisa Vhrunc, Clemens
Nachtmann and Gerald Eckert

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Birgit Schmieder - oboe
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Jorge García del Valle Méndez - bassoon
Lukasz Gothszalk - trumpet
Matthias Jann - trombone
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Kirstin Maria Pientka - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - contrabass
Gerald Eckert - direction

as guest:    
Wardy Hamburg - saxophone

© 2011 Marco Ehrhardt / Ensemble Reflexion K

spaces III / "espace spirituel"

concert 21. June 2012, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from John Cage, Olivier Messiaen, Giacinto Scelsi, Gerald Eckert and Hans Zender

Katja Kanowski - organ
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/electronics

spaces IV / "living room"

concert 14. September 2012, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Cage, Kagel, Kisters, Krebber, Lindberg and Stockhausen

Ensemble Reflexion K    
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Eva Zöllner - accordion
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - double bass
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ direction

as guest:
Ludger Kisters - electronics

© 2010 Marco Ehrhardt / Ensemble Reflexion K

spaces V / "... so lose im Raume..."

concert 09. November 2012   7 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

double concerto:  Ensemble Sinkro / Spain - Ensemble Reflexion K

composition by David Delgado, Gerald Eckert, Gabriel Erkoreka, Dai Fujikura, Ignacio Monterrubio, Jorge García del Valle Méndez, Luigi Nono, Veli Matti Puumala, Katharina Rosenberger and Kaija Saariaho

Sinkro Ensemble / Spain    
Roberto Casado - flute
Patxi Divar - clarinet
Alfonso Gómez - piano
François Monciero - violoncello
Koldo Sagastume - electronics


Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Jorge García del Valle Méndez - bassoon
Eva Curth - harp
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Ensemble Sinkro
© 2011 Marco Ehrhardt / Ensemble Reflexion K

concerts 2011


3. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

ProvinzLärm festival 24.02-26.02.2011
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

programme ProvinzLärm 2011

Ensemble Zagros (Finnland)

plan II / heavy equipment

concert 13. May 2011, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Freie rhythmen heisst soviel als weisse schwärze · wer sich nicht gut im rhythmus bewegen kann der schreite ungebunden.
Stefan George, aus "Tage und Taten"

And the organ is, after all, basically just a consort of recorders with delusions of grandeur.  
Alan Wells, Musikkritiker, New Zealand

Pia Palme - recorder and electronics
Klaus Lang - organ
Beatrix Wagner - flute

Pia Palme - © Nikolaus Karlinsky
Klaus Lang - © Abbé Lipansky

plan III - 'Gegendämmerung 2'

concert 12. August 2011, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Gerald Eckert and Bruno Maderna

ensemble voces Berlin

Duo reflexion K

ensemble voces Berlin - Duo reflexion K

10 years ensemble reflexion K

plan IV / "echoes"

concert 09. September 2011, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Chaya Czernowin, Gerald Eckert, Asko Hyvärinen, Ludger Kisters and Johan Tallgren

ensemble reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Birgit Schmieder - oboe
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Jorge García del Valle Méndez - bassoon
Matthias Jann - trombone
Eva Zöllner - accordion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Kirstin Maria Pientka - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - contrabass
Gerald Eckert - direction

as guest:
Ludger Kisters - electronics

© Bewo Hawel

10 years Ensemble Reflexion K

plan V - 'timbrical moments'

concert 04. November 2011, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

he last concert of this year season "10 years contemporary music Eckernfoerde" presents exclusively compositions, which has been composed for the special instrumentation within the Ensemble Reflexion K, flute, harp, accordion and violoncello.
It's a pleasure for the ensemble, that the argentinian composer Natalia Solomonoff will participate as composer in residence of the artists residence Eckernfoerde at this concert.

compositions from Santa Ratniece, Claudio Ferrari, Natalia Solomonoff, Jorge Garcia del Valle Mendez and Gerald Eckert

Quartet reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Curth - harp
Eva Zöllner - accordion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© fognin

concerts 2010


for the moment only in german:

Mit colours - Farben geleiten die Konzertreihe Neue Musik Eckernförde 2010 und das Ensemble Reflexion K Sie farbenreich durch die Krise. Um Lösungsmöglichkeiten zu finden, ist zuallererst einmal eine Bestandsaufnahme erforderlich. Sie erfolgt mit colours I und beleuchtet mit Lust die Melancholie, eine von Trauer, Schmerz oder Nachdenklichkeit geprägte Gemütsstimmung, in der wir uns mehr oder weniger alle gerade befinden dürften.
New Gates / colours II zeigt dann anhand der fast 100-jährigen Farbtradition der Triobesetzung Flöte, Viola und Harfe Aussichten, wie Türen geöffnet und neue Wege beschritten werden können und in Gegendämmerung / colours III schauen wir in die Renaissance mit ihren "universal gebildeten" Menschen und kontrastieren die Vokalfarben der ältesten erhaltenen vierstimmigen Messe, die "Messe de Nostre Dame" von Guillaume de Machaut (ca. 1300 bis 1377) mit Werken des zeitgenössischen Klangfarbenspezialisten Gerald Eckert.
Das vierte Konzert Samen.Sprungfedern / colours IV schließlich ist mit der Besetzung vier Flöten und zwei Schlagzeuger eine Hommage an die Flöte und zeigt, wie bei nahezu gleich bleibender Grundlage immer wieder neue Möglichkeiten kreiert werden. Als eines der ersten Musikinstrumente überhaupt, anfangs aus Knochen hergestellt, spielte sie in vielen Epochen eine wichtige Rolle, so auch besonders bei der Erforschung neuer Spieltechniken in der modernen Musik.
Fin des Terres? Weltenende? Wie die Lage der Welt zum Zeitpunkt unseres letzten Konzertes colours V aussehen wird und welchen Beitrag wir selbst dazu geleistet haben werden, ist jetzt noch nicht absehbar. Der Komponist Gerald Eckert, dem wir dieses Konzert zu seinem 50. Geburtstag Ende Dezember widmen, hat diese Frage schon 2002 mit seinem Stück "offen - fin des terres" aufgeworfen und ist auch für die weitere Stückauswahl dieses Konzertes verantwortlich, so dass wir auf einen groß besetzten, philosophischen Farbenrausch zum Ausklang der Konzertreihe Neue Musik Eckernförde 2010 gespannt sein dürfen.

Lust.Melancholie / colours I

concert 26. February 2010, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Markus Bongartz, Elmir Mirzoev, Sergej Newski, Niels Rønsholdt, etc

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Katia Guedes - voice
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Curth  - harp
Eva Zöllner  - accordion
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ direction
as guest:     
Markus Bongartz - electronics

© Ensemble Reflexion K

new gates / colours II

concert 29. May 2010, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Kaija Saariaho, Dennis Eberhard, Johannes Schöllhorn, Nicolaus A. Huber and Walter Zimmermann

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Curth - harp
Nikolaus Schlierf - viola

Eva Curth

Gegendämmerung / colours III

concert 06. August 2010, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Guillaume de Machaut and Gerald Eckert

ensemble voces Berlin

Ensemble Reflexion K

ensemble voces Berlin

Samen. Sprungfedern / colours IV

concert 12. September 2010, 6 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Isang Yun, Christian Wolff, Klaus Lang, Matthias Kaul and Gerald Eckert

ensemble L'art pour l'art     
Astrid Schmeling - flute
Matthias Kaul - percussion
Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Gerald Eckert - direction
as guests:     
Martina Roth - flute
Nari Hong - flute

Beatrix Wagner - Gerald Eckert

fin des terres / colours V

concert 12. November 2010   7 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

compositions from Gerald Eckert, Morton Feldman, Stefano Gervasoni, Gerard Grisey and Nicolaus A. Huber

duo eardrum     
Johannes Fischer - percussion
Domenico Melchiorre - percussion

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Christiane Schmeling - soprano
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Matthias Jann - trombone
Eva Curth - harp
Eva Zöllner - accordion
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Kirstin Maria Pientka - viola
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Heiko Maschmann - double bass
Gerald Eckert - direction

© fognin

concerts 2009


In 2009 the focus of the concert series of contemporary mucic Eckernfoerde is on contrasts. Even the beginning starts with a huge contrast: in five concerts at the festival Provinzlärm with the focus on Latvia alternates classical instruments (Ensemble Reflexion K and SENSUS stringquartett) with traditional instruments (ensemble Altera Veritas) and contemporary vocal music meets vocal music from the renaissance (Schola cantorum Riga).
Contrasts concerning time and space plays a decisive role on the second concert with the ensemble Aventure (Freiburg) and "voces Berlin" entitled on the edge/ Kontraste II, before we explore with our second focus on Argentina new tendencies of contemporary music there in our summer concert New Argentina/ Kontraste III.
In ... by doing/ Kontraste IV the musicians of the Ensemble Reflexion K converging with pupils of the Jungmann-Gymnasium Eckernfoerde. The pupils developed some works by John Cage in a work phase some weeks before the concert and will present them as "interludes".
The final concert for this year concert series entitled Stream/ Kontraste V is on the focus of electronics and we are excited by ourselves, what sophistications our guest, the composer André Bartetzki will present on this evening.

2. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

ProvinzLärm festival 26.02-28.02.2009
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

programm ProvinzLärm 2009

Schola Cantorum Riga

on the edge / Kontraste II

concert 25. April 2009, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...Contrasts concerning time and space plays a decisive role on the second concert with the ensemble Aventure (Freiburg) and "voces Berlin" entitled on the edge/ Kontraste II...

compositions from Giacinto Scelsi, Iannis Xenakis, Gerald Eckert and Guillaume de Machaut

Ensemble Aventure

ensemble voces Berlin

© Ensemble Aventure

New Argentina/ Kontraste III

concert 31. July 2009, 9 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...before we explore with our second focus on Argentina new tendencies of contemporary music there in our summer concert New Argentina/ Kontraste III. ...
compositions from Natalia Solomonoff, Osvaldo Budon, Diana Rud, etc.

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Ignatjeva - harp
Eva Zöllner - accordion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Ensemble Reflexion K

... by doing/ Kontraste IV

concert 25. September 2009,  8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...In doing/ Kontraste IV the musicians of the Ensemble Reflexion K converging with pupils of the Jungmann-Gymnasium Eckernfoerde. The pupils developed some works by John Cage in a work phase some weeks before the concert and will present them as "interludes". ...
compositions from Nicolaus A. Huber, Matthias Spahlinger, Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn and John Cage

pupils of the Jungmann Gymnasium Eckernfoerde     
Ensemble Reflexion K
Katia Guedes - voice
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Burkart Zeller - violoncello
Martin von der Heydt - piano
Jonathan Shapiro - percussion
Gerald Eckert - direction

© Marco Ehrhardt

Stream/ Kontraste V

concert 20. November 2009   8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...The final concert for this year concert series entitled Stream/ Kontraste V is on the focus of electronics and we are excited by ourselves, what sophistications our guest, the composer André Bartetzki will present on this evening.

compositions from André Bartetzki, Gerald Eckert, Luigi Nono, Stella Perales, Bernfried Pröve, Salvatore Sciarrino, Pei-Yu Shi, Isabel Soveral and Helena Tulve

André Bartetzki - sound direction

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Gerald Eckert / Carsten Rhode

concerts 2008


Das Jahr 2008 steht für das Ensemble Reflexion K und die Eckernförder Neue-Musik-Reihe im Zeichen der Portrait-CD-Aufnahme von Gerald Eckert. Die Aufnahmen werden im Frühjahr 2008 beim MDR in Leipzig stattfinden und wenn alles klappt, sollten wir beim Visuals-Konzert am 26.9. nicht nur Videos von Ralf Weissleder und Matthias Meyer zu sehen bekommen, sondern auch die neue Eckert-CD.
Ein anderer Schwerpunkt, der sich durch das ganze Jahr ziehen wird, ist das Thema Zeit. In den ersten beiden Konzerten stellen wir Ihnen mit den Programmen WIE WOLKEN / ÜBER ZEIT I und TWILIGHT / ÜBER ZEIT II den Umgang "moderner" Komponisten mit Zeit, mit Dauer, mit Energie / energetischen Momenten, mit Reduktion, mit Konzentration und mit Dichte vor.
Der Bogen spannt sich dabei von den fast religiös anmutenden, 1886 ursprünglich für Klavier entstandenen "Ogives" des längst verstorbenen Franzosen Eric Satie bis zu den, jeweils nur für eine Aufführung komponierten Modulstücken des jungen Briten James Saunders; von Iannis Xenakis' "Charisma", ein in seiner Kürze ein größtmögliches Maß an Dichte und Energie erreichendes Werk bis zu den ausgedehnten Klangflächenkonzentraten eines Klaus Klang aus Österreich.
Große Zeitsprünge gibt es in AUS DEN ALPEN / ÜBER ZEIT III zu hören. Der Ureinwohner des Alpenlandes stellt für den hochgewachsenen norddeutschen Küstenbewohner gemeinhin ein - meist wohlwollend belächeltes - kleinwüchsiges und sich rätselhaft artikulierendes Faszinosum dar. Wie die Musik dieses exotischen Bergvolkes früher klang und welche Klänge es heute hervorbringt, erfahren Sie in unserem Sommerkonzert.
Im vierten Konzert VISUALS / ÜBER ZEIT IV wird der akustische Faktor Zeit dann mit den Videos "Visuals" von Ralf Weissleder und Matthias Meyer, die auf einer eigenen Zeitschiene laufen, optisch erweitert.
Mit einer Konzertveranstaltung rund um und zu Ehren von Olivier Messiaen, der gerne als "Vater der französischen Moderne" bezeichnet wird und am 10.12. 2008 seinen 100. Geburtstag gefeiert hätte, geht unsere "Zeitreise 2008" zu Ende.

wie Wolken / about time I

concert 24. Feb. 2008, 6 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...Ein anderer Schwerpunkt, der sich durch das ganze Jahr ziehen wird, ist das Thema Zeit. In den ersten beiden Konzerten stellen wir Ihnen mit den Programmen WIE WOLKEN / ÜBER ZEIT I und TWILIGHT / ÜBER ZEIT II den Umgang "moderner" Komponisten mit Zeit, mit Dauer, mit Energie / energetischen Momenten, mit Reduktion, mit Konzentration und mit Dichte vor.
Der Bogen spannt sich dabei von den fast religiös anmutenden, 1886 ursprünglich für Klavier entstandenen "Ogives" des längst verstorbenen Franzosen Eric Satie bis zu den, jeweils nur für eine Aufführung komponierten Modulstücken des jungen Briten James Saunders; von Iannis Xenakis' "Charisma", ein in seiner Kürze ein größtmögliches Maß an Dichte und Energie erreichendes Werk bis zu den ausgedehnten Klangflächenkonzentraten eines Klaus Klang aus Österreich...
compositions from Gerald Eckert, Morton Feldman, Erik Satie and James Saunders

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Sarah Maria Sun - soprano
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Ignatjeva - harp
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Kirstin Maria Pientka - viola
Gerald Eckert - direction / violoncello
Kristján Sigurleifsson - contrabass
Guillaume Chastel - percussion

© Ensemble Reflexion K

Twilight / about time II

concert 24. Mai 2008, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

..Ein anderer Schwerpunkt, der sich durch das ganze Jahr ziehen wird, ist das Thema Zeit. In den ersten beiden Konzerten stellen wir Ihnen mit den Programmen WIE WOLKEN / ÜBER ZEIT I und TWILIGHT / ÜBER ZEIT II den Umgang "moderner" Komponisten mit Zeit, mit Dauer, mit Energie / energetischen Momenten, mit Reduktion, mit Konzentration und mit Dichte vor.
Der Bogen spannt sich dabei von den fast religiös anmutenden, 1886 ursprünglich für Klavier entstandenen "Ogives" des längst verstorbenen Franzosen Eric Satie bis zu den, jeweils nur für eine Aufführung komponierten Modulstücken des jungen Briten James Saunders; von Iannis Xenakis' "Charisma", ein in seiner Kürze ein größtmögliches Maß an Dichte und Energie erreichendes Werk bis zu den ausgedehnten Klangflächenkonzentraten eines Klaus Klang aus Österreich...
compositions from James Clarke, Klaus Lang, Valerio Sannicandro, Giacinto Scelsi and Iannis Xenakis

Ensemble Reflexion K
Katja Kanowski - voice
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Joachim Striepens - clarinet
Andreas Roth - trombone
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln

from the alps / about time III

concert 09. Aug. 2008, 9 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...Große Zeitsprünge gibt es in AUS DEN ALPEN / ÜBER ZEIT III zu hören. Der Ureinwohner des Alpenlandes stellt für den hochgewachsenen norddeutschen Küstenbewohner gemeinhin ein - meist wohlwollend belächeltes - kleinwüchsiges und sich rätselhaft artikulierendes Faszinosum dar. Wie die Musik dieses exotischen Bergvolkes früher klang und welche Klänge es heute hervorbringt, erfahren Sie in unserem Sommerkonzert...

compositions from Gerald Eckert, Georg Friedrich Haas, Leopold Hurt, Bernhard Lang, Christian Wolff, Walter Zimmermann and traditional music from the Alps

Leopold Hurt - zither and sound diffusion

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Gerald Eckert - violoncello and sound diffusion

Leopold Hurt

Visuals / About time IV

concert 26. Sept. 2008, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...Im vierten Konzert VISUALS / ÜBER ZEIT IV wird der akustische Faktor Zeit dann mit den Videos "Visuals" von Ralf Weissleder und Matthias Meyer, die auf einer eigenen Zeitschiene laufen, optisch erweitert...
compositions from John Cage, Gerald Eckert and Elmir Mirzoev

videos from Ralf Weissleder and Matthias Meyer

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Katia Guedes - soprano
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Ignatjeva - harp
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Lenka Zupkova - violin
Kirstin Maria Pientka - viola
Gerald Eckert - direction / violoncello
John Eckhardt - contrabass
Olaf Tzschoppe - percussion

© Ensemble Reflexion K

Messiaen-night / about time V

concert 29. Nov. 2008, 7 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

...with a concert around and in honor of Olivier Messiaen, who is often referred to as the "father of French modernism" and on December 10th. 2008 would have celebrated its 100th birthday, our "time travel 2008" comes to an end.
Messiaen night with music, film and food

Ensemble Reflexion K     
Katja Kanowski - voice
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

as guest:      
Martin von der Heydt - piano

Katja Kanowski - Beatrix Wagner - Gerald Eckert

concerts 2007


1. international festival of contemporary music Eckernfoerde

Provinzlärm festival 23./24. Feb. 2007
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Provinzlärm is a festival of contemporary music, which takes place the first time in February 23/ 2007 at Eckernfoerde. For the detailed program see Provinzlärm and
"Ensemble Reflexion K" and "The Slide Show Secret"

© fognin

Guest performance of the oh ton-ensemble, Oldenburg

concert 09. June 2007, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

With the instruments saxophon, e-guitar, contrabass and percussion the oh ton-ensemble from Oldenburg presents a concert at Eckernfoerde the first time.

compositions by Eckart Beinke, Gordon Kampe, Kirsten Reese, Kaija Saariaho and Martin Smolka
oh ton-ensemble Oldenburg
Christoph Hansen - saxophon
Ulf Mummert - e-guitar
John Eckardt - contrabass
Miachel Pattmann - percussion


concert 22. Aug. 2007, 9 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Surroundings - spaces, moments and moments are the subject of this concert, which combinds the different compositions. Between the pieces will be "Choshi" called short pieces for the japanese Gagaku-instrument Sho as intermezzi performed. The Sho is the successor of the chinese Sheng, the oldest instrument with metall-tongues. For the reason of the metall-tongues the pieces can be played in the original versions on the accordeon.

compositions by Peter Gahn, Toshio Hosokawa, Noriko Kawakami and others

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Zöllner -  accordeon
Stefan Kohmann - perussion
Gerald Eckert - violoncello / sound diffusion

© fognin

About virtuosity

concert 29. Sept. 2007, 6 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

"About virtuosity", not only in the sense of rapid pitch changes an complex rhythms, but also of the richness of timbres and the differentation of the timbre-spectra is the subject of this concert, in which the composer Gerald Eckert stands in the main focus.

compositions by Dieter Mack, Gerald Eckert, Clemens Gadenstätter, Johannes Schöllhorn and Bernd A. Zimmermann

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - Flöte
Julia Mai - Viola
Eva Ignatjeva - Harfe
Gerald Eckert - Violoncello

© Cornelia Bock


concert 01. Dec. 2007, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

In this concert we continues the central theme of our birthday concert in 2006. So, for this we get new pieces in the instrumentation of flute, accordeon, harp and violoncello.

New compositions by Jamilia Jazylbekova, Noriko Kawakami, etc.
Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Eva Ignatjeva - harp
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© fognin

concerts 2006


Prayer - Gebete

concert 25. Feb. 2006, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The main aspects of the concert Prayer - Gebete are the subjects praying, invocation and incantation.

compositions by A. Jolivet, O. Messiaen, G. Klebe, S. Gubaidulina, G. Eckert and N. A. Huber

Ensemble Reflexion K
Katja Kanowski - soprano and organ
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello
Günter Herzfeld - piano

© Frank Schuberth

Le corps

concert 03. June 2006, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

A wide range of percussion instruments up to the body of the percussionst creates a colourful spectrum of timbres/ sounds in this concert, together with the flute and the violoncello.

compositions by Georges Aphergis, François Mâche, Hans Zender, Robin Hoffmann and Jo Kondo

Ensemble Reflexion K
Stefan Kohmann - percussion
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

about the Universe

concert 12. Aug. 2006, 9 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Staring from the exploration of the earth as a sphere up to the infinite space of the Universe are the thematix aspects ofthis concert with old and contemporary music.

as guest:
Simone Eckert - viola da gamba

Ensemble Reflexion K
Katja Kanowski - soprano
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello
Stefan Kohmann - percussion

... weiter nordwärts, etwas unstet

concert 23. Sept. 2006   8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The Ensemble Reflexion K celebrates its 5th birthday and perfoms five first performances of composers living in the Denmark, Germany and Azerbayshan, who concers with the life and the work of the - german - expressionist Emil Nolde.

compositions by Ivar Frounberg, Klaus Ib Jørgensen, Dieter Mack, Gerald Eckert and Elmir Mirzoev

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Eva Ignatjeva - harp
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© Cornelia Bock

approach to Petrarca

concert 02. Dec. 2006, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The sonetts of Petrarca builds the "frame" between this last concert of the season 2006 and a "Petrarca"-exhibition at the gallery "Studio Capricornus", which has been the vernissage at 5.11.2006.

"new work" by Gerald Eckert (UA) and madrigals by Claudio Monteverdi

as guests:
ensemble voces Berlin
Simone Eckert - viola da gamba

Ensemble Reflexion K

© fognin

concerts 2005



concert 26. Feb. 2005, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The italian composer Giacinto Scelsi (1905 - 1988) have had his 100th birthday in 2005. Because of this fact we perform different pieces of him in this concert and add some works of yonger compsers, which are on the search to the inner core of timbre.

compositions by Giacinto Scelsi, Anette Schlünz, Gerald Eckert a.o.

Ensemble Reflexion K
Katja Kanowski - organ
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello
Olaf Tzschoppe - percussion

© 2004 fognin


concert 16. April 2005, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

Compositions of Edison Denissow (Russia) and Ton de Leeuw (Netherlands) are in the centre of this concert, which presents mainly works for flute and harp. But also composer from the more northern part of Europe will be performed on this evening.

compositions by Edison Denissow, Ton de Leeuw, Caroline Ansink, Cord Meijering, Gerald Eckert, Maki Ishii a.o.

Ensemble Reflexion K
Eva Ignatjeva - harp
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© 2000 Cornelia Bock

Summer concert

concert 30. July 2005, 9 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

In our Summer Concert we create contrasts between old and contemporary music from Japan. The main instrumentalist in that concert is the japanese Koto-player Makiko Goto. Please mention the later beginning of the concert.

as guest:
Makiko Goto - Koto

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello
Olaf Tzschoppe - percussion


concert 24. Sept. 2005, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

In the centre of this concert stands the accordeon, which the most listeners of the audience connect with the argentinian tango. To show as much as possible facettes of this special instrument, we chose stylish very different compositions.

compositions by Christina Kubisch, Bernhard Lang, Matthias Pintscher and Gerald Eckert

Ensemble Reflexion K
Eva Zöllner - accordeon
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello

© 2004 fognin

des Säglichen Zeit

concert 12. Nov. 2005, 8 p.m
St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernfoerde

The program for the last concert of the season 2005 wasn't fixed at the moment the flyer has been printed. But the starting point for this evening is the piece "Book of Songs" from 1998/99 by the swiss composer Hans Ulrich Lehmann, related to lyrics by E. E. Cummings. Very differciate, difficil and instabile, but very different in compositorial and aesthetic sense are the compositions by Gerald Eckert's, which piece "des Säglichen Zeit" - he uses fragments of the ninth Duineser Elegie by Rainer Maria Rilke - will be performed too.

in planing: compositions by Hans Ulrich Lehmann, Gerald Eckert, Dieter Mack and Christoph Neidhöfer

Ensemble Reflexion K
N. N. - Bariton
Beatrix Wagner - flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello
Olaf Tzschoppe - percussion

© 2004 fognin
Neue Musik Eckernförde 0